On Thu, 18 Feb 2016 06:45:39 +0800 Paul Wise wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 6:19 AM, Francesco Poli wrote:
> > since this change went online, I have experienced an awkward behavior
> > with Iceweasel: if I visit a tracker page with the JavaScript
> > interpreter disabled, I see many rectangles with unicode exadecimal
> > digits in them (as if the browser were trying to display characters
> > without finding an appropriate gliph among the installed fonts).
> > Please see the attached "tracker_on_iceweasel_no_js.png" screenshot.
> This is because the icons are actually characters in the Unicode
> Private Use Area of the Octicons font, which is loaded over http. I
> guess you have disabled this to decrease your browser's attack
> surface.

Good guess! I unchecked the "Forbid @font-face" option in the NoScript
extension, and the symbols are now correctly displayed even with
disabled JavaScript.
Thanks a lot for the explanation!

I wonder whether there's a way to make the tracker symbols work without
using @font-face (and consequently without preventing NoScript users
from forbidding @font-face)...

> > As soon as I enable the JavaScript interpreter for tracker.debian.org
> > (by using the NoScript Iceweasel extension), I see the correct symbols.
> > Please see the attached "tracker_on_iceweasel_with_js.png" screenshot.
> I expect the JS enables a fall-back for people who disabled web fonts.

Frankly speaking, I have no idea: I am quite ignorant about

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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