Hello Andreas,

> Hmmmm, ftpmaster was fast - now python-jellyfish is accepted.  This only
> leaves us option 2 without fiddling around to much.

I noticed - and feels like yet another argument in favour of option 2.
If there is something I can do to help with the renaming of the DNA
jellyfish python module (collaborating on the upstream repository,
gathering more opinions on the matter, or anything else) I'd be willing
to lend a hand, just let me know!

> > With this in mind, I'm wondering if this would be a good time to rename
> > this ITP and the RFS (and the mentors package, etc) to the hopefully
> > final Debian package name ("python-jellyfishstr"?)?
> The latter sounds sensible.  Sorry for all the confusion and leaving you
> alone a bit with this issue.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the package renaming issue, and no
worries at all - I really apreciate your guidance and efforts on helping
move this issue forward.

Best regards,
Diego M. Rodriguez
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