Helo Andreas,

> I think if we did not managed a sufficient amount of opinions once there
> was a good time to react I think it is a waste of time if you try
> afterwards.  I learned in Free Software that asking for opinion is
> really hard - even if naming discussions usually gather a fair amount of
> opinions (keyword bike shedding).  The best way is to do something.  So
> either you tell me:  "I'm not happy with the current situation and I'll
> send you a patch that renames the DNA jellyfish" - I'd be positive to
> aks ftpmaster to let the package pass again the Debian new queue.  This
> should be done *quickly* before people might adapt to the new package.
> If you do not do this we should simply live with the current situation.

taking action it is then! I hope it is still not too late for confirming
you that I'm indeed willing to work on a patch for renaming the DNA
jellyfish python module in the hopes of improving the current situation,
and it would be great if you could make the appropiate request to the
ftpmaster team.

As a matter of fact I hopefully have the basic changes ready and I'll
submit a wishlist bug with the patch shortly, aiming for having it fully
polished and ready during tomorrow. Thanks again!

Diego M. Rodriguez
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