Control: tags -1 + fixed-upstream

On 05/19/2016 03:27 PM, Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
> On Thu, 2016-05-19 at 15:15 +0200, Christian Seiler wrote:
>> That's actually a menu bar, I've noticed. (Try clicking on it.)
> Haha :D Didn't notice that *G*
> Well then I'd say we should actually keep it...

No, I don't think so. You didn't notice that it's a menu bar, and
I only noticed when I clicked on it. UI/UX-wise, this is completely
unintuitive, worse than just having CSDs.

>>  Hmmm,
>> weird, if you try that with older versions of gtk3/Nautilus (e.g.
>> from Jessie), that doesn't happen. And I'm very sure I did test with
>> Nautilus earlier in the Stretch cycle, and I don't remember that from
>> there either, so something has changed.
> It seems that that "Application" menu corresponds to the left side icon
> in the CSD "title bar" that has the brownish folder or whatever that
> is.

So I checked and the application menu was simply removed with
older Gtk+3 versions, which is actually a problem if you need it.

>> Will look into it.
> Probably just the colouring thing :)

So I've actually now implemented a slightly different logic:
instead of dropping the window buttons completely, I replace more
routines and explicitly only drop the "icon", "minimize",
"maximize" and "close" buttons in the header bar.

Upstream commit:

I've tested that on my system and it appears to work well. But
I'd like a second opinion, hence I created a quick&dirty update
for the Debian package that cherry-picks all code change commits
for the bugs you've reported so far.

I've pushed that to collab-maint, under the branch bug824758:
git clone -b 

gbp buildpackage will work on that repository.
(Please ignore the symbols file warnings; as this is just a
test package, I haven't done all the things that I would do in
a proper Debian package. For example, the changelog is a bit
too sparse when it comes to the upstream changes.)

It would be great if you could test that package and give me
feedback if the following bugs you submitted are gone with that

 - #824614 (not universal for all windows)
 - #824616 (tool tips / drop down borders)
 - #824758 (this bug)

are fixed on your system and that it doesn't have any other
negative side-effects for other programs when preloaded
globally. (I really want global preloading to work, because
that's the easiest mode of operation for this package.)

I still want to look at #824617 (cosmetic issues), and one other
thing I noticed while playing around with the current code.
After those are fixed and I have feedback for this bug report
from you, I'd like to do a new upstream release + a new Debian
package to fix most of the issues you reported. [1]


[1] NOT going to be fixed in the next upstream release: #824775,
    because that's something where I'd rather spend more time on
    instead of doing a rash implementation.

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