Am 2016-05-31 14:21, schrieb Christoph Anton Mitterer:
On Tue, 2016-05-31 at 09:02 +0200, Christian Seiler wrote:
The problem is that forcing that setting is actually quite an
invasive operation. So while I think it's doable, it's something
I'd like to have tested before adding it to the source code.

Well as I've said,.. it's fine for me, *not* to set it, but it may help
you (or any future developer) to remember, if a comment is added that
describes the situation and what would be needed to work around in case
the default would change.

Ok, maybe I'll add a comment in the source code or a TODO file or

So I'm not so sure it's good to remove the title of the CSD bar,
because I think the bar looks really empty without it, especially
if there are only very few widgets in there instead. But I might
be convinced otherwise.
At least it looks strange if both, window decoration bar and CSD bar
have the very same text in it... I personally, think it looks better in
that case if the CSD bar would have no text... but of course that's a
matter of taste.

Let's try this: After the next upload, I'll try to implement this
and see how it looks in different circumstances.

So, if I understand you correctly, all the issues with the code
itself are fixed now from your perspective, except the hiding
of the header bar, which you just mentioned now?

Yes :)

Great, then I'll release a new upstream version today and prepare
the package.


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