Control: tags -1 + confirmed

On Sun, 2016-06-26 at 15:10 +0200, gregor herrmann wrote:
> I've prepared an update for libbusiness-creditcard-perl in
> jessie{,-updates} which fixes #814479 for stable users. The issue at
> hand is that the credit card ranges of several providers need to be
> updated.

That bug report says "[t]he most important change in this release is
recognition of new MasterCard ranges which will be issued starting in
October 2016". Given that (I'd really hope that) the next point release
will be well before October, are any of the other changes sufficiently
urgent to need a -updates release?

> In practice there are several options to do this update in stable:
> - What I've prepared (attached as a debdiff) for now is to backport
>   the functional and some documentation changes from 0.34 and 0.35 to
>   0.33 in 3 logically separate quilt patches, in order to make
>   reviewing easy. In practice this leaves out only some minor changes
>   in metadata and unrelated documentation changes from 0.35.
> - Ivan (upstream and Debian contributor) originally asked to take
>   the 0.35 release and upload it to stable (presumably as
>   0.35-0+deb8u1). This had the advantage of shipping a fully tested
>   release but is probably not the release team's typically preferred
>   way. -- Complete diff:

I'd be okay with either of those options, having looked at the upstream



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