On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 06:49:31PM -0800, Steve Langasek wrote:
> block 348499 by 338006
> thanks
> On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 12:09:01PM +0100, Koos Vriezen wrote:
> > The php version entering testing at 4.4.0-4, broken code like (from
> > squirrelmail):
> > //$imap_server_address = "";
> > $imap_server_address = "tls://";
> > //$imap_port  = 143; // imap2
> > $imap_port  = 993; // imaps
> > $imap_stream = @fsockopen($imap_server_address, $imap_port, $error_number, 
> > $error_string, 15);
> > if (!$imap_stream)
> >    // error
> > in case the imaps lines are in use, there is no $imap_stream. On the
> > imaps server side, I see:
> > Command stream end of file, while reading line user=??? host=narobi.dmz 
> > []
> > Like said, this used to work with previous version in testing. Google
> > give me this link: http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=29934&edit=1 which
> > suggests that openssl should be static linked for php4.
> A bug with an error message which is *not* present in your example (because
> for some reason you decided to suppress the error output from fsockopen(),
> even though that's what would tell us the real nature of your problem).
> So please take out this '@' from in front of 'fsockopen', and get us an
> error message we can use.  Or get us something from a PHP log file that
> shows what error fsockopen is throwing.

I'm sorry, I didn't know that. Anyhow, this is w/o the '@', when running
'php xxx.php' from the commandline:

  Warning: fsockopen(): php_stream_sock_ssl_activate_with_method: failed
  to create an SSL context in xxx.php on line 29
  Warning: fsockopen(): failed to activate SSL mode 2 in
  xxx.php on line 29

> In the meantime, I'm going to assume this is caused by 338006, like most
> current ssl problems.

Both systems have 'openssl/testing uptodate 0.9.8a-5', so that might be
the cause.


Koos Vriezen

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