On Jul/04, Arnaud Legrand wrote:
> the /usr/share/org-mode/lisp/ox-freemind.el exporter shipped with
> org-mode is not installed in /usr/share/emacs24/site-lisp/org-mode. As
> a consequence a (require 'ox-freemind) fails and does not allow to
> easily benefit from this exporter. Once a symbolic link is done, the
> require works like a charm and allows the freemind option to appear
> when exporting.

Yeah, it's in contrib/, and as such not enabled by
default. README.Debian does explain how to enable those without being
root, though.

However, seeing how #728621 and #610699 revolve around the same idea,
I'm starting to wonder if the default behavior expected from end users
shouldn't be to make contrib/ directly available by default.



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