On Thu, 14 Jul 2016, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:

> > I can't be responsible for every bootstrapping tool out there.
> But in the bugreport you noticed the problem, figured out its an
> ordering problem that every bootstrap program has and then just told
> debootstrap about it and nobody else. So yes, you are basically
> repsonsible.

Sorry, but no. Using chown in a postinst does not make me responsible
for faulty debootstrap-like programs who configure base-files and
base-passwd in the same dpkg run. The responsaible for a package
having a bug is always the maintainer.

In the bug I quoted, this was re-discovered by Holger, who had an
automatic setup to discover this kind of things. Are you going to
blame Holger as well for *not* having an equivalent setup to discover
bugs in cdebootstrap?

Maybe you should suggest him politely to add a setup for cdebootstrap
as well instead.

> And that is the problem of not fixing this at the source,
> you get many bootstrap programs that need fixing.

You seem to speak as if there were a ton of different bootstrap
programs. How many of them are there actually?

Because if there are only two of them you are making a lot of fuss
about nothing.

WHy don't you just do the right thing and reassign this bug to
cdebootstrap, if you actually detected the problem there?

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