
Le 10/08/2016 à 00:19, Viktor Jägersküpper a écrit :
> Dear Jean-Philippe,
> from my point of view (I am not a developer) it looks like this is the
> same bug as 833532 (and the merged bugs). I suggest you to set
> "javascript.options.baselinejit" to "false" in about:config. If this
> fixes your problem, this is an indicator that your bug is the same as
> 833532. I think you have to set this option in safe mode because for me
> icedove crashes when I try to open about:config with version
> 1:45.2.0-2+b1. Or you downgrade to an older version of icedove, set the
> option and then upgrade again to test it.

ok I experience exactly what you say. To toogle the option, I need safe
mode, otherwise Icedove crashes. The option makes the segfault
disappear. What is this switch for? Useful?

So yes, we can bug this bug with 833532. How should I do technically?

Anyway, note that even if Icedove works better now, when I am on a big
folder, there is always a quite lag before the focus reach the folder
name. I don't know wether it's another kind of bug or a consequence of
it, but it's what I'm having here.


> Regards
> Viktor

Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

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