On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 11:20:07PM +0200, Johannes Schauer wrote:
> Control: tag -1 + moreinfo - pending
> Hi,
> I must've forgotten to close this bug with the latest upload. Gnupg2 support
> should've been introduced with sbuild version 0.70.0. Unless somebody tells me
> that they experience the issue reported here with that version, I will close
> this bug.

Ah, I took the status of the bug at its word and didn't think to check
for more recent versions of sbuild. Sorry about that. Of course, the
workaround will still be needed on jessie, unless there are plans
to release an update for s-p-u?

> are you building source packages for Debian squeeze?
> If not, then just don't sign the internal dummy repository. In that case, 
> gnupg
> will not be required anymore at all. You disable signing by removing the
> private dummy signing keys from your host:
> sudo rm -rf /var/lib/sbuild/apt-keys

Thanks for the useful tips!


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