On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 05:54:23AM +0200, Johannes Schauer wrote:
> Hi,
> Quoting Dominic Hargreaves (2016-08-16 00:47:58)
> > Ah, I took the status of the bug at its word and didn't think to check for
> > more recent versions of sbuild. Sorry about that.
> so it works for you with 0.70.0?

Yes, sorry for missing that part out in my reply. I needed to follow
the instructions to upgrade the GPG keys on the host side.

> > Of course, the workaround will still be needed on jessie, unless there are
> > plans to release an update for s-p-u?
> There are no plans yet. Are there any users that want to build for squeeze
> *and* current unstable at the same time?

Probably not.

However, as has been subsequently pointed out, the workaround
(removing /var/lib/sbuild/apt-keys) doesn't work with a jessie sbuild:

E: Local archive GPG signing key not found
I: Please generate a key with 'sbuild-update --keygen'
I: Note that on machines with scarce entropy, you may wish to generate the key 
with this command on another machine and copy the public and private keypair to 
'/var/lib/sbuild/apt-keys/sbuild-key.pub' and 
Failed to generate archive keys.

so it appears that we do need an update for jessie one way or another?


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