On 10/12/2016 03:39 PM, Johannes Schauer wrote:
>> I guess buildd-uploader should be modified to check for stale lockfiles and
>> remove them.
> could this be the same problem as #577421?

No, it's not exactly the same issue although the bugs are somewhat related.

This bug is talking about the actual upload process during which the
buildd-uploader.lock lock file is created. The .upload files are not
created by buildd-uploader but dupload which creates them after every
single upload is done.

The buildd-uploader.lock lock file, on the other hand, is not removed
until buildd-uploader has finished uploading all packages in the
upload queue.

Fixing this (#826942) bug means that a buildd crashing while running
buildd-uploader will not suffer from buildd-uploader locking up
on next run in case the lock file from the last run has not been

Fixing the other bug (#577421) will avoid running into problems with
the upload queue after a package has been given back and buildd-uploader
tries to upload the same version after a second build on the same
buildd. I haven't run into this issue myself yet, though it might
be a good idea to address it. I think this issue only occurs in the
rare case where a package was uploaded successfully but is stuck
in the "Uploaded" state for some reason so that the buildd-mail
process is not removing the files from the upload folder.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaub...@debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaub...@physik.fu-berlin.de
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