On 06.12.2016 12:02, Philip Hands wrote:
> Ole Streicher <oleb...@debian.org> writes:
>> On 06.12.2016 10:37, Holger Levsen wrote:
>>> And this *is* still pretty confusing, though admitly better than it was
>>> half a year ago. 
>> The current implementation has a popcon of >5000, without a single
>> complaint or confusion documented in the web within the last six months.
>> This is at least *some* empirical evidence that it is not "pretty
>> confusing", and again I would ask you to show any better empirical data
>> here to support your own point.
> You seem to be mixing up two things here.
> Holger was saying that the menu is confusing (as am I).
> You're saying that because 5000 people seem to have ended up with this
> package on their systems, they were not confused.

I am saying that from these 5000 people nobody asked for help or
complained in the web, except for the initial wording. This initial
documented confusion shows that we actually *get* a response here (and
the search is not just useless).

> Looking at the graph for debian-astro, is seems to follow a similar
> curve, so perhaps these are the people that are installing the
> blends-tasks (BTW is there an easy way to check which packages are
> installed together via popcon?)

The relevant package from debian-astro (which is going to be installed
with by tasksel) is "astro-all". It has a popcon of 148, so most of the
people installing blends-tasks (5400) then do not install debian-astro.

The curve for both is similar, since both were introduced together:
astro-all was specifically created to do the actual installation of
Debian-Astro via the installer tasksel.

> There is no need for them to tick the 'Special tasks' menu item in order
> to install any of the the blends, so to some tiny extent they were
> confused when they did that, were they not?

I also find the structure here not optimal; this is however given by the
limitation that tasksel uses debconf, which has only limited
possibilities. The checkbox in "Special tasks" is confusing for sure.

However, this does not add confusion: the same problem is already there
(and was so in Jessie) with the "Desktop environment", so people need to
get used to it anyway -- we don't solve this by deciding the current issue.

What the empirical search however shows that the blends-tasks didn't add
additional confusion here.

Best regards


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