On 08.12.2016 18:27, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> - trying to keep blends-tasks now because we have no better option on the
>   table right now is not a good move either. Had you not circumvented the
>   d-i review at the time you introduced blends-tasks, then maybe you could
>   have advertised the limitation of tasksel and we could have found sooner
>   someone willing to fix this even if nobody in the blends team had the
>   required skills...

The current solution was announced in bug #758116, which at that time
was assigned to tasksel, so you will find it in your mail archive. In
this bug, there is also a discussion about the limitations of tasksel
(starting in 2014, which is probably soon enough!), and also some
statements from the d-i team that they will probably not have time to
implement something here.

There is (and was) no circumvention of a d-i review. The menu is
available, and you can always review it and file a bug if it has a
problem -- like for any other aspect in Debian. This didn't happen for
the blends-tasks package so far. This shows that either the problems
were not big enough, or that d-i just had no time to do so. In the
latter case, I don't see why d-i would have more time if the tasks menu
would be in tasksel-data.

In my opinion it *is* a good idea to spread responsibilites; especially
when one team is overloaded and the topic fits so well into the field of
another team. And I see no advantage to move the responsibility of the
blends submenu back from the blends team to d-i.

> But more importantly, we need to not show that page at all. I would like
> to suggest a first screen:
> Install packages for a:
>   [X] standard desktop
>   [ ] standard server
>   [ ] minimal server
>   [ ] Show me more options
> You only see "tasksel" if you check the "Show me more options" which
> should be unchecked by default. There's code that translates each option
> into default selections at the tasksel level.

If this could be implemented in Stretch, it would be a good compromise.

Best regards


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