Toni Mueller wrote:
> the weird thing is, inside the shell, vi, emacs, firefox and
> LibreOffice, I have no trouble writing those characters and seeing
> them properly. But I don't know which fonts are involved. OTOH, I
> have about every font package installed that is available in Debian,
> and if I 'ls' to show the directory, it just works. I also didn't
> tune anything that I am aware of.
> I just made a test by going into a directory which has an all-Chinese
> name. The tab title bar stops at the last directory with all-Latin
> characters, and only displays a trailing slash. If I go into that
> other directory with a mixed name, I get the question marks. I then
> made another test and created a directory with a different mixed
> name, but the same Chinese characters. Then I cd'ed into it, and the
> window title changed to only display the latin part of the directory
> name. To me, it seems that the display of Chinese characters is sort
> of "unstable".
> FWIW, the Chinese chaacters in question are 老歌。

By default, Sakura doesn't change title of window or Tab to the current
folder name, as I get the impression it does on your system. I have had
a report previously by someone adding stuff to bashrc to make it so -
have you something similar installed to your bashrc?

See the previous Sakura bug:


As Sakura does set UTF-8 names correctly on both Window title and tab
title for me, I am guessing that you are using some xterm escape
sequences in a faulty way.

-- Andreas Rönnquist

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