Patch for console.fs to take the second, more conservative, option to
fixing this bug. Applying this patch does NOT require updating the
fsharp package to later upstream versions, and once the package is
updated from upstream, this patch can be removed. Patch should apply
cleanly on current master *and* master-experimental branches of the
git:// repo.

diff --git a/src/fsharp/fsi/console.fs b/src/fsharp/fsi/console.fs
index 3dc5b28..0f6c3ca 100755
--- a/src/fsharp/fsi/console.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/fsi/console.fs
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ open Internal.Utilities
 /// Fixes to System.Console.ReadKey may break this code around, hence
the option here.
 module internal ConsoleOptions =

-  // Bug 4254 was fixed in Dev11 (Net4.5), so this flag tracks making
this fix up version specific.
-  let fixupRequired = not FSharpEnvironment.IsRunningOnNetFx45OrAbove
+  // This fixup for a Windows-only bug causes problems in Debian
+  let fixupRequired = false

   let fixNonUnicodeSystemConsoleReadKey = ref fixupRequired
   let readKeyFixup (c:char) =

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