[sorry, this got stuck in my drafts folder]

Dear Nicholas,

On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 10:26:44PM -0700, Nicholas D Steeves wrote:
> Thank you again for your patience and extra help!

No problem.  I hope that this was educational for you as a new DM --
that's probably more important than the updated package.

> > > Ah!  Yes, this is the spec that addresses my question to #3.  That
> > > said, in the past some of my other work on d/copyright has been said
> > > to be "worse than useless" even though it adhered to the spec, and
> > > even though it seemed to reflect what I saw reading the packages
> > > COPYING file, in addition to spending a while reading VCS commits for
> > > stuff I wasn't sure about.  This has led me to wonder about the tribal
> > > rules that are not in the spec...
> > 
> > Could you give me an example of a rule like that?
> It'll take time to dig up examples from my backups, so I'll need to
> defer concrete examples until something like mid February.  It might
> be stuff like my failure to identify a package that is following DEP-5
> vs SPDX, but because of comments like "worst than useless" I figured
> there must have been some rule I didn't understand...because that's
> way too strong of a reaction for something that is a question of
> style. :-)  At this point, however, I don't think further discussion
> fits into this thread, because it is too tangential to muse-el.

Okay.  Probably best to address you question to the d-mentors list.

> By the way, is one space indentation for copyright definition blocks
> what should now be used (commit
> 5ba94789a7f35d5938d88226c6ea35fd98635a5b)?  I noticed the packaging
> guide's example uses one space, but most of the copyright-format/1.0
> packages I've looked at use four.  Just a convention?

I've only seen it done with a single space.  If it works with more than
one, fine.

> > > Would you please check to see if my latest commit to d/copyright
> > > is ok?  It's what makes the most sense to me.  As far as I can
> > > tell, it might be problematic because it infers that Eric Marsden
> > > changed cgi.el in 2003.  If it's problematic I'll revert it, then
> > > dch -r.
> > 
> > No, it doesn't actually imply that Marsden changed that file in 2004
> > (the spec does explain this!).
> Ah, from packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0 "Not all copyright
> notices may apply to every individual file, and years of publication
> for one copyright holder may be gathered together" [1].  So short form
> rules I misunderstood are:
> * Wildcards are hungry globs.
> * Lists of files are white-space, tab, or newline separated strings.
> * Years may be specified as either a comma-separated list of discrete
>   years, or a year-to-year range.
> * Refer to individual files or VCS for specific dates when multiple
>   files are grouped, because [1].

I don't know whether this list is an accurate list of what you
misunderstood, but the four bullet points are true of the format :)

> I also wonder how many contributors there must be to justify a
> "Primary copyright holder, and others" statement, and also if one
> needs to do VCS archaeology to find and list all of the potential
> one-off contributors.

That's beyond my knowledge, I'm afraid.  You might want to ask d-legal.

Sean Whitton

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