Package: compiz-gnome
Version: 1:

​When trying to run gtk-window-decorator, I saw this:

​(gtk-window-decorator:28962): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema
'org.gnome.metacity' does not contain a key named 'theme'
Trace/breakpoint trap

I have both gnome-flashback installed and compiz installed.


My current work-around is based on what I found here:

First, I modified
/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.metacity.gschema.xml as follows:

--- org.gnome.metacity.gschema.xml-debian    2017-04-11 09:51:44.530417746
+++ org.gnome.metacity.gschema.xml    2017-04-11 09:53:57.998601455 -0600
@@ -66,6 +66,15 @@

+    <key type="s" name="theme">
+       <default>'Adwaita'</default>
+       <summary>Current theme</summary>
+       <description>
+          The theme determines the appearance of window borders, titlebar,
+          so forth.
+       </description>
+    </key>
     <child schema="org.gnome.metacity.keybindings" name="keybindings" />
     <child schema="org.gnome.metacity.theme" name="theme" />

​Then, I ran 'sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas'.​

That work-around allows for windows to be decorated, but it is probably
just an ugly hack that does not fix the problem correctly. It looks to my
naive eye as though compiz-gnome should be updated to know about new newer
schema stuff. I think that I might just patched back in a bit of
otherwise-obsolete schema stuff that has been removed upstream.

Thomas E. Vaughan

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