Hi Julien,

Julien Cristau wrote:
> > And obviously, since "qtwebkit" and "webkit" are both mentioned
> > already, the mentioning of "webkit" does not imply any webkit fork as
> > otherwise "qtwebkit" wouldn't be in there.
> OK.  I didn't think that list is intended as a list of source
> packages.

Ah, ok, I read it that way as qtwebkit and khtml are current source
package names.

> It does talk about browser engines instead, I believe on purpose, so it
> doesn't have to be that specific about source package names (which
> wouldn't be much help to most users anyway).  Maybe we could make that
> clearer.

Yes, please.

Basically this was a question during my talk "What's new in Stretch?"
today after having copied this list from the release notes on one of
my slides.

The question came from a developer of a webkit-based web browser (Cc'ed).

> Or indeed update it to actual current source packages.

Then webkit should be removed from the list. I just noticed now that
it's no current source package name anymore. it has been removed from
unstable in 2013.

                Regards, Axel
 ,''`.  |  Axel Beckert <a...@debian.org>, http://people.debian.org/~abe/
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