control: tags -1 +confirmed

>> This is likely more globaly usefull than implemeting manual
>> filtering of missing files in cruft/cruft-ng
> I found more use cases in the meantime...
> - /etc/python2.7/ doesn't get created on
>   upgrade/reinstall

apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" install --reinstall

> - sometimes I explicitly don't want a config file to be present
>   (signalled by renaming it to FOO.dpkg-dist). For example init scripts
>   when I only want the binary, not the service. Or the many exim config
>   snippets you don't want to activate.

For this purpose, /etc/cruft/filters or more precisely /etc/cruft/filters-miss
should work with old cruft; I'll have a look on how to implement those
in cruft-ng.


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