package safeeyes
retitle 881171 safeeyes: icon does not appear in notification bar
severity 881171 normal

On Wed, Nov 08, 2017 at 01:58:26PM +0000, Julian Gilbey wrote:
> > so that it would rebuild on a Debian testing system.  (This addresses
> > bug #880828, by the way.)  It now starts, but seems to just hang: I
> > certainly don't get any icon in my notification bar.
> Bizarrely, though it still doesn't show any icon in the notification
> area, now that I have recompiled it for python3.6, which is the
> default python3 on my system, it now does do breaks, though there is
> no obvious way to make any changes to it without resorting to the
> commandline.  So clearly, it was having problems due to the other
> python3-version bug: it was running python3.6 (because the shebang
> line says /usr/bin/python3) but it couldn't find the needed modules.

Retitling this bug report and lowering its severity, as the missing
module bug should disappear now that the python versioning has been
fixed (thanks!).

Interestingly, on one occasion, when I logged out and logged in again,
the icon appeared in the notification bar for about half a second.
But on another occasion, it didn't seem to.

Best wishes,


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