Package: libttspico-utils
Version: 1.0+git20130326-7
Severity: wishlist
Control: tag -1 + patch upstream
Control: owner -1

(Transforming this into a bug)

2017-11-13 16:57 GMT+01:00 Paolo Greppi <>:
> Hi, I see you are both involved in maintaining the svox package, and Mathieu 
> is also the author of pico2wave.


I'm not involved anymore in svox (I don't use it anymore). Samuel, you
can remove me in the next upload.

> I was looking at a way of converting to wav a larger chunk of text than what 
> can be supplied on the command line, and was unsatisfied by this python 
> wrapper around pico2wave:
> Looking at the source of pico2wave, I found this TODO in the code:
> //TODO: stdin not supported yet.
> So I set forth implementing this missing functionality. Here is a repo:
> I got it to read from stdin any length of text, but it crashes if more than 
> 32767 chars are supplied. That's because it uses a pico_Int16 variable to 
> scan the buffer, and pico_Int16 is signed short, and SHRT_MAX is 32767.
> What is left to do is to break up the text in chunks of < 32767 chars, 
> repeatedly call pico_putTextUtf8 and append everything to the same output wav 
> file
> At this point I sense that this could be feasible to complete, I am willing 
> to do it, but I though of interfacing with you as upstream on the best way to 
> move this forward so that the improved pico2wave lands in debian.

Samuel or others can decide what they do about it...


Mathieu Parent
/* pico2wave.c

 * Copyright (C) 2009 Mathieu Parent <>
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 *   Convert text to .wav using svox text-to-speech system.

#include <popt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include <picoapi.h>
#include <picoapid.h>
#include <picoos.h>

/* adaptation layer defines */
#define PICO_MEM_SIZE       2500000
#define DummyLen 100000000

/* string constants */
#define MAX_OUTBUF_SIZE     128
#ifdef picolangdir
const char * PICO_LINGWARE_PATH             = picolangdir "/";
const char * PICO_LINGWARE_PATH             = "./lang/";
const char * PICO_VOICE_NAME                = "PicoVoice";

/* supported voices
   Pico does not seperately specify the voice and locale.   */
const char * picoSupportedLangIso3[]        = { "eng",              "eng",              "deu",              "spa",              "fra",              "ita" };
const char * picoSupportedCountryIso3[]     = { "USA",              "GBR",              "DEU",              "ESP",              "FRA",              "ITA" };
const char * picoSupportedLang[]            = { "en-US",            "en-GB",            "de-DE",            "es-ES",            "fr-FR",            "it-IT" };
const char * picoInternalLang[]             = { "en-US",            "en-GB",            "de-DE",            "es-ES",            "fr-FR",            "it-IT" };
const char * picoInternalTaLingware[]       = { "en-US_ta.bin",     "en-GB_ta.bin",     "de-DE_ta.bin",     "es-ES_ta.bin",     "fr-FR_ta.bin",     "it-IT_ta.bin" };
const char * picoInternalSgLingware[]       = { "en-US_lh0_sg.bin", "en-GB_kh0_sg.bin", "de-DE_gl0_sg.bin", "es-ES_zl0_sg.bin", "fr-FR_nk0_sg.bin", "it-IT_cm0_sg.bin" };
const char * picoInternalUtppLingware[]     = { "en-US_utpp.bin",   "en-GB_utpp.bin",   "de-DE_utpp.bin",   "es-ES_utpp.bin",   "fr-FR_utpp.bin",   "it-IT_utpp.bin" };
const int picoNumSupportedVocs              = 6;

/* adapation layer global variables */
void *          picoMemArea         = NULL;
pico_System     picoSystem          = NULL;
pico_Resource   picoTaResource      = NULL;
pico_Resource   picoSgResource      = NULL;
pico_Resource   picoUtppResource    = NULL;
pico_Engine     picoEngine          = NULL;
pico_Char *     picoTaFileName      = NULL;
pico_Char *     picoSgFileName      = NULL;
pico_Char *     picoUtppFileName    = NULL;
pico_Char *     picoTaResourceName  = NULL;
pico_Char *     picoSgResourceName  = NULL;
pico_Char *     picoUtppResourceName = NULL;
int     picoSynthAbort = 0;

#define CHUNK_SIZE 16384UL
/* buffered read from source until EOF; user should free the buffer */
size_t read(FILE *source, char **buffer) {
    size_t count;
    size_t size = 0;
    size_t offset = 0;
    *buffer = NULL;
    do {
        // printf("allocate %ld chars\n", CHUNK_SIZE);
        *buffer = (char *)realloc(*buffer, size + CHUNK_SIZE);
        size += CHUNK_SIZE;
        // printf("size = %ld\n", size);
        count = fread(&((*buffer)[offset]), 1, CHUNK_SIZE, source);
        // printf("read chars = %ld\n", count);
        if (feof(source)) {
            // printf("feof = %ld\n", offset + count);
            (*buffer)[offset + count] = 0;
            return offset + count;
        offset += CHUNK_SIZE;
        // printf("offset = %ld\n", offset);
    } while (1);

int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
    char * wavefile = NULL;
    char * lang = "en-US";
    int langIndex = -1, langIndexTmp = -1;
    char * text = NULL;
    int8_t * buffer;
    size_t bufferSize = 256;
    /* Parsing options */
    poptContext optCon; /* context for parsing command-line options */
    int opt; /* used for argument parsing */

    struct poptOption optionsTable[] = {
        { "wave", 'w', POPT_ARG_STRING, &wavefile, 0,
          "Write output to this WAV file (extension SHOULD be .wav)", "filename.wav" },
        { "lang", 'l', POPT_ARG_STRING | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &lang, 0,
          "Language", "lang" },
    optCon = poptGetContext(NULL, argc, argv, optionsTable, POPT_CONTEXT_POSIXMEHARDER);
    poptSetOtherOptionHelp(optCon, "<words>");

    /* Reporting about invalid extra options */
    while ((opt = poptGetNextOpt(optCon)) != -1) {
        switch (opt) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Invalid option %s: %s\n", 
                poptBadOption(optCon, 0), poptStrerror(opt));
            poptPrintHelp(optCon, stderr, 0);

    /* Mandatory option: --wave */
    if(!wavefile) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Mandatory option: %s\n\n", 
        poptPrintHelp(optCon, stderr, 0);
    /* option: --lang */
    for(langIndexTmp =0; langIndexTmp<picoNumSupportedVocs; langIndexTmp++) {
        if(!strcmp(picoSupportedLang[langIndexTmp], lang)) {
            langIndex = langIndexTmp;
    if(langIndex == -1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Unknown language: %s\nValid languages:\n", 
        for(langIndexTmp =0; langIndexTmp<picoNumSupportedVocs; langIndexTmp++) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", picoSupportedLang[langIndexTmp]);
        lang = "en-US";
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
        poptPrintHelp(optCon, stderr, 0);

    /* Remaining argument is <words> */
    const char **extra_argv;
    extra_argv = poptGetArgs(optCon);
    if(extra_argv) {
        text = (char *) &(*extra_argv)[0];
    } else {
        // read from stdin
        size_t len = read(stdin, &text);
        // debug buffered read: make this command a pass-though cat-like command and compare input with output
        // printf("read %ld characters\n", len);
        // fwrite(text, 1, len, stdout);
        // exit(1);
        // TODO: break text in chunks of max size equal to pico_Int16 textSize,
        // /usr/include/picoapi.h:typedef short pico_Int16;
        // /usr/include/limits.h:#  define SHRT_MAX        32767

    buffer = malloc( bufferSize );
    int ret, getstatus;
    pico_Char * inp = NULL;
    pico_Char * local_text = NULL;
    short       outbuf[MAX_OUTBUF_SIZE/2];
    pico_Int16  bytes_sent, bytes_recv, text_remaining, out_data_type;
    pico_Retstring outMessage;
    picoSynthAbort = 0;

    picoMemArea = malloc( PICO_MEM_SIZE );
    if((ret = pico_initialize( picoMemArea, PICO_MEM_SIZE, &picoSystem ))) {
        pico_getSystemStatusMessage(picoSystem, ret, outMessage);
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot initialize pico (%i): %s\n", ret, outMessage);
        goto terminate;
    /* Load the text analysis Lingware resource file.   */
    picoTaFileName      = (pico_Char *) malloc( PICO_MAX_DATAPATH_NAME_SIZE + PICO_MAX_FILE_NAME_SIZE );
    strcpy((char *) picoTaFileName,   PICO_LINGWARE_PATH);
    strcat((char *) picoTaFileName,   (const char *) picoInternalTaLingware[langIndex]);
    if((ret = pico_loadResource( picoSystem, picoTaFileName, &picoTaResource ))) {
        pico_getSystemStatusMessage(picoSystem, ret, outMessage);
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot load text analysis resource file (%i): %s\n", ret, outMessage);
        goto unloadTaResource;
    /* Load the signal generation Lingware resource file.   */
    picoSgFileName      = (pico_Char *) malloc( PICO_MAX_DATAPATH_NAME_SIZE + PICO_MAX_FILE_NAME_SIZE );
    strcpy((char *) picoSgFileName,   PICO_LINGWARE_PATH);
    strcat((char *) picoSgFileName,   (const char *) picoInternalSgLingware[langIndex]);
    if((ret = pico_loadResource( picoSystem, picoSgFileName, &picoSgResource ))) {
        pico_getSystemStatusMessage(picoSystem, ret, outMessage);
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot load signal generation Lingware resource file (%i): %s\n", ret, outMessage);
        goto unloadSgResource;
    /* Load the utpp Lingware resource file if exists - NOTE: this file is optional
       and is currently not used. Loading is only attempted for future compatibility.
       If this file is not present the loading will still succeed.                      //
    picoUtppFileName      = (pico_Char *) malloc( PICO_MAX_DATAPATH_NAME_SIZE + PICO_MAX_FILE_NAME_SIZE );
    strcpy((char *) picoUtppFileName,   PICO_LINGWARE_PATH);
    strcat((char *) picoUtppFileName,   (const char *) picoInternalUtppLingware[langIndex]);
    ret = pico_loadResource( picoSystem, picoUtppFileName, &picoUtppResource );
    pico_getSystemStatusMessage(picoSystem, ret, outMessage);
    printf("pico_loadResource: %i: %s\n", ret, outMessage);
    /* Get the text analysis resource name.     */
    picoTaResourceName  = (pico_Char *) malloc( PICO_MAX_RESOURCE_NAME_SIZE );
    if((ret = pico_getResourceName( picoSystem, picoTaResource, (char *) picoTaResourceName ))) {
        pico_getSystemStatusMessage(picoSystem, ret, outMessage);
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get the text analysis resource name (%i): %s\n", ret, outMessage);
        goto unloadUtppResource;

    /* Get the signal generation resource name. */
    picoSgResourceName  = (pico_Char *) malloc( PICO_MAX_RESOURCE_NAME_SIZE );
    if((ret = pico_getResourceName( picoSystem, picoSgResource, (char *) picoSgResourceName ))) {
        pico_getSystemStatusMessage(picoSystem, ret, outMessage);
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get the signal generation resource name (%i): %s\n", ret, outMessage);
        goto unloadUtppResource;

    /* Create a voice definition.   */
    if((ret = pico_createVoiceDefinition( picoSystem, (const pico_Char *) PICO_VOICE_NAME ))) {
        pico_getSystemStatusMessage(picoSystem, ret, outMessage);
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create voice definition (%i): %s\n", ret, outMessage);
        goto unloadUtppResource;

    /* Add the text analysis resource to the voice. */
    if((ret = pico_addResourceToVoiceDefinition( picoSystem, (const pico_Char *) PICO_VOICE_NAME, picoTaResourceName ))) {
        pico_getSystemStatusMessage(picoSystem, ret, outMessage);
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot add the text analysis resource to the voice (%i): %s\n", ret, outMessage);
        goto unloadUtppResource;
    /* Add the signal generation resource to the voice. */
    if((ret = pico_addResourceToVoiceDefinition( picoSystem, (const pico_Char *) PICO_VOICE_NAME, picoSgResourceName ))) {
        pico_getSystemStatusMessage(picoSystem, ret, outMessage);
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot add the signal generation resource to the voice (%i): %s\n", ret, outMessage);
        goto unloadUtppResource;

    /* Create a new Pico engine. */
    if((ret = pico_newEngine( picoSystem, (const pico_Char *) PICO_VOICE_NAME, &picoEngine ))) {
        pico_getSystemStatusMessage(picoSystem, ret, outMessage);
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create a new pico engine (%i): %s\n", ret, outMessage);
        goto disposeEngine;
    local_text = (pico_Char *) text ;
    text_remaining = strlen((const char *) local_text) + 1;

    inp = (pico_Char *) local_text;
    size_t bufused = 0;
    picoos_Common common = (picoos_Common) pico_sysGetCommon(picoSystem);

    picoos_SDFile sdOutFile = NULL;

    picoos_bool done = TRUE;
    if(TRUE != (done = picoos_sdfOpenOut(common, &sdOutFile,
        (picoos_char *) wavefile, SAMPLE_FREQ_16KHZ, PICOOS_ENC_LIN)))
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open output wave file\n");
        ret = 1;
        goto disposeEngine;
    /* synthesis loop   */
    while (text_remaining) {
        /* Feed the text into the engine.   */
        printf("text_remaining = %d\n", text_remaining);
        if((ret = pico_putTextUtf8( picoEngine, inp, text_remaining, &bytes_sent ))) {
            pico_getSystemStatusMessage(picoSystem, ret, outMessage);
            fprintf(stderr, "Cannot put Text (%i): %s\n", ret, outMessage);
            goto disposeEngine;
        text_remaining -= bytes_sent;
        inp += bytes_sent;

        do {
            if (picoSynthAbort) {
                goto disposeEngine;
            /* Retrieve the samples and add them to the buffer. */
            getstatus = pico_getData( picoEngine, (void *) outbuf,
                      MAX_OUTBUF_SIZE, &bytes_recv, &out_data_type );
            if((getstatus !=PICO_STEP_BUSY) && (getstatus !=PICO_STEP_IDLE)){
                pico_getSystemStatusMessage(picoSystem, getstatus, outMessage);
                fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get Data (%i): %s\n", getstatus, outMessage);
                goto disposeEngine;
            if (bytes_recv) {
                if ((bufused + bytes_recv) <= bufferSize) {
                    memcpy(buffer+bufused, (int8_t *) outbuf, bytes_recv);
                    bufused += bytes_recv;
                } else {
                    done = picoos_sdfPutSamples(
                                        bufused / 2,
                                        (picoos_int16*) (buffer));
                    bufused = 0;
                    memcpy(buffer, (int8_t *) outbuf, bytes_recv);
                    bufused += bytes_recv;
        } while (PICO_STEP_BUSY == getstatus);
        /* This chunk of synthesis is finished; pass the remaining samples. */
        if (!picoSynthAbort) {
                    done = picoos_sdfPutSamples(
                                        bufused / 2,
                                        (picoos_int16*) (buffer));
        picoSynthAbort = 0;
    if(TRUE != (done = picoos_sdfCloseOut(common, &sdOutFile)))
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot close output wave file\n");
        ret = 1;
        goto disposeEngine;

    if (picoEngine) {
        pico_disposeEngine( picoSystem, &picoEngine );
        pico_releaseVoiceDefinition( picoSystem, (pico_Char *) PICO_VOICE_NAME );
        picoEngine = NULL;
    if (picoUtppResource) {
        pico_unloadResource( picoSystem, &picoUtppResource );
        picoUtppResource = NULL;
    if (picoSgResource) {
        pico_unloadResource( picoSystem, &picoSgResource );
        picoSgResource = NULL;
    if (picoTaResource) {
        pico_unloadResource( picoSystem, &picoTaResource );
        picoTaResource = NULL;
    if (picoSystem) {
        picoSystem = NULL;
    if (text)

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