
> This bug report was very difficult to understand for me initially ...
> When filing bug a report, please make sure to explain situation clearly.

I am sorry that you were not able to immediately understand the bug report,
however I feel that I did clearly and fully describe the situation.  I
stated the problem I was having, the steps I took to try to resolve the
problem, the reasoning behind the steps I took,  and the result of my
efforts to resolve the problem.  I used concise, meaningful sentences and
proper grammar.  I truly do not know what else I could have done to make my
description of the situation more understandable.  The comments that you
wrote throughout my written description indicate that you understood the
situation after reading the description.  Perhaps you mean that it was the
information automatically supplied at the beginning of the bug report by
the reportbug program that confused you.

> Also, are you using this package seriously or were you just trying to
> use this package for curiosity...

I did use this package seriously.  I have used it since I first started
using Debian.  It is necessary to be able to use the tegaki handwriting
recognizer as an input method.

> When you file a GRAVE bug with the not-exactly-correct facts, you are
> causing negative service to many people.  Please be careful.  I hope you
> understand this.  In short, there is no bug for ibus.  Wrong package to
> blame!  Unless you are very sure, don't use this level of bug.

Filing the bug report against python-ibus was my mistake, but it was an
honest one.  After reading your explanation of the cause of my problem, I
now realize that the bug should have been filed against ibus-tegaki since
it should no longer be depending on python-ibus.  Howerver, when I was
filing the bug report I did not know that all packages that had previously
depended on python-ibus were supposed to have been updated to remove that
dependency nor did I find anything stating that while investigating my
problem, so I thought that ibus-tegaki was fine and that the problem was
that python-ibus had been removed from the repository by mistake thus
making python-ibus unusable and the bug severity GRAVE.  As you have noted,
the severity is still GRAVE, but the fault lies with ibus-tegaki.

> For case like this, please don't label ibus bug as i10n.  This is
> neither translation error, not the encoding problem, nor localization
> specific font rendering problem.

I apologize for the incorrect use of the l10n tag; I tried to make the best
selection I could from the limited options offered to me by the reportbug
program and it seemed to be the most appropriate choice since my ability to
select an input method for a foreign language was impacted.  From your
feedback, I now suppose that it would have been better to select the option
for no tags.

> Hmmm... maybe no one is using this package... it should be removed from
> all stable/testing/unstable

Well, no one using any current version of Debian is using it now since it
is broken.  According to a post on Github, the tegaki project is no longer
being maintained so there will be no fix coming from them.  I expect that
this issue will not get fixed and ibus-tegaki will be removed from stable,
testing, and unstable.  It is a shame since it was the best Japanese
handwriting input method I have found for Linux.  The tegaki recognizer
still works, but without integration with ibus or scim working  and no way
to copy to the clipboard, it is useless for anything except for practicing
one's handwriting.

Thank you

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