H.-Dirk Schmitt <d...@computer42.org> writes:

> Without the stale lock this command will finish after a short time.
> With the lock, you will see the following output:
>> Loading 95c42_defaults (compiled; note, source file is newer)...

What's that? it doesn't look like a debian package. Does your problem
persist if you remove it?

>> Loading log-edit...
>> Trailing whitespace highlighting is now ON.
>> TAB highlighting is now ON.
>> Loading /home/dschmi/.recentf...

I guess you ran this as your user, rather than as root? It also seems odd to
me that recentf is being invoked at all.

>> Cleaning up the recentf list...
>> Cleaning up the recentf list...done (0 removed)
>> Loading /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/ob-eukleides.el (source)...
>> Loading /home/dschmi/.emacs.d/anything-c-adaptive-history...

I can't understand what is loading that. The standard startup file for
anything-el just sets the load-path

>> [yas] Prepared just-in-time loading of snippets successfully.
>> Loading systemd...
>> Loading crontab-mode...
>> Loading json-mode...
>> Loading ldap-mode...
>> Loading nagios-mode...
>> Loading org-journal...
>> Loading 99c42_keymap...
>> Local Ispell dictionary set to british
>> Starting new Ispell process aspell with british dictionary...
>> ...ing-c-adaptive-history locked by xxxxxx@xxxxxx... (pid 5423): (s, q, p, 
>> ?)?
> At this point the emacs is hanging.
> Trying to answer the „lock“ prompt is not possible. You have to terminate the 
> processing *SIGINT* (Ctrl+C) or killing it.

Following your recipe, I can't duplicate this behaviour with emacs24 or emacs25.

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