Package: dblatex
Version: 0.3.10-2
X-Debbugs-CC: Benoit Guillon <>

When building a book with individual authors per chapter, it is useful
to specify the authors using a <chapterinfo> block per chapter.
Unfortunately this setup is not rendered properly in dblatex.  It is
rendered better by Docbook XSL.

Here is an example demonstrating the problem:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
<book lang="en">
  <part id="the-first-part">
    <title>The part</title>
    <chapter id="first-chapter">
      <title>First chapter title</title>
          <firstname>First chapter</firstname>
      First chapter, first paragraph.
    <chapter id="second-chapter">
      <title>Second chapter title</title>
          <firstname>Second chapter</firstname>
      Second chapter, first paragraph.

When building it, the chapter author is shown as the first words of the
first paragraph in each chapter, with no special formatting.  With
Docbook XSL, it is rendered between the title and the first paragraph,
with a slightly larger font than the body and a smaller font than the

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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