Hi Elimar!

On Tue, Mar 06, 2018 at 03:09:12PM +0100, Elimar Riesebieter wrote:
>* Steve McIntyre <st...@einval.com> [2018-02-27 11:37 +0000]:
>> Based on the code changes we've needed in abcde, I'm assuming this
>> will cause ripit to stop working in unstable at that point. The
>> changes aren't *huge*, but they're not small (see the patch in
>> https://abcde.einval.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=60 as a guide) so
>> I'm assuming you'll need to work with ripit upstream to make that
>> happen. Although... the ripit homepage link now points to a "domain
>> for sale" site - is there still an upstream?
>Felix Suwald is MIA. I tried several time to contact him since 09/17
>but got no response :-(

That's a shame.

>As I am not a perl hacker I can not take over ripit's upstream so
>there are two possibilities:
>1st: I could try to find a successor on debian-devel or somewhere else.
>2nd: I orphan ripit in Debian.

ACK. If upstream has gone away and you're not up to maintaining the
perl then it's definitely time to do one of those. Maybe an RFH to see
if somebody can help with the work? Maybe time to learn perl if you're
still wanting to use it.

>Anyway I'll try to adapt the new API to ripit myself but won't be
>willing to maintain as an upstream.


As a heads-up, I uploaded the new version of
libwebservice-musicbrainz-perl late last night along with the new
upstream version of abcde, so the musicbrainz code in ripit will no
longer work in unstable:

(SID-AMD64)steve@tack:~/debian/abcde/abcde.git$ ripit --mb
RipIT version 4.0.0-beta20140508.

Lame not found (needed to encode mp3)!
Use oggenc instead (to generate ogg)?
Do you want to try oggenc? [y/n] (y) y

Please install WebService::MusicBrainz and dependencies
from your closest CPAN mirror before trying again with
option --mb.
Install by hand or using force because using (as root):
perl -MCPAN -e 'install WebService::MusicBrainz'
might fail.

For users happy with cddb it seems it will still work for now, though.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
"The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that
 English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don't just borrow words; on
 occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them
 unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary."  -- James D. Nicoll

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