On Sun, 11 Mar 2018 17:07:32 +0100 Innocent De Marchi <tangram.peces@gm
ail.com> wrote:
> Hi Goran Vulić,
> Thank you very much for contributing to improve Debian. I will be
> grateful if you specify what the error is: What no English character
> do not work? Exactly, what does not work for Zen coding?
> I. De Marchi

 E.g. my name contain latin small latter c with acute.
 If document contain html meta tag name="author" content="Goran Vulić"
zen coding stop working.

Or, if html document contain Serbian Cyrillic text inside tags.
E.g. Inside title tag text: "Здраво свете" (Hello world on Serbian.).

I was just checking right now and Zen coding is broken on document only
after the text with non English character.

Step to reproduce.
1. Type "Здраво свете" inside p tag.
2. Before p tag Zen coding works.
3. After p tag Zen coding is broken. 

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