On Thu, 17 May 2018 11:57:09 +0500 Pirate Praveen <prav...@onenetbeyond.org> wrote:> libgit2 0.27 is now available in experimental. Please make sure your
package is ready for this version by the time we upload this package to unstable in one to two weeks. The severity of this report will be raised to serious once libgit2 0.27 is uploaded to unstable.

Fails to build with error, it may be possible to just relax the requirement. Else the package needs to be updated to new version.

src/gopkg.in/libgit2/git2go.v26/git_dynamic.go:10:3: error: #error "Invalid libgit2 version; this git2go supports libgit2 v0.26"
 # error "Invalid libgit2 version; this git2go supports libgit2 v0.26"

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