Hi Jari,

On Wed, Oct 05, 2016 at 12:42:10AM +0300, Jari Aalto wrote:
> Package: php-elisp
> Version: 1.13.5-3
> Severity: minor
> When listing the package desction with apt-cache show it would be
> helpful to let reader know which PHP Emacs package is in question.
> (There are few PHP modes for Emacs in Emacs wiki).
> Please include URL to upstream in the debian/control::Description
>    http://php-mode.sf.net
> Jari

The Debian Emacsen team is adopting php-elisp.  We plan to convert the
package to use dh-elpa; php-elisp will become a dummy transitional
package, and elpa-php-mode will contain everything else.  All elpafied
packages' names must correspond to their equivalent GNU ELPA and/or
MELPA distributed version.

Consequently, there should no longer be any ambiguity that this one is

The following webpage is already defined as Homepage:

http://php-mode.sf.net is now obsolete.  I'm hesitant to add
https://stable.melpa.org/#/php-mode to the long description, because
none of our team's other packages provide links to MELPA.  Also, our
team avoids packaging anything that doesn't provide either a release
tarball or tagged releases in a proper VCS.

Do you think renaming src:php-elisp to src:php-mode would reduce the
ambiguity of which PHP Emacs package is in question?


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