]] Stuart Prescott 

> Essentially, this is a request that the TC overrule both Debian
> maintainers *and* derivative maintainers in what they have agreed as a
> workflow that obviously works for them. Today, Debian decides to not
> allow debian/patches/vendor.series, then tomorrow, a derivative
> patches dpkg-source and Debian is asked to decide whether
> debian/patches/vendor-dammit-i-want-these-patches-applied.series is
> allowed in the source package.

I can see where you are coming from, but I disagree with your

Hypothetically, if a downstream distribution implemented support
vendor.series without there being any support in Debian for it, I don't
think we would disallow vendor.series in Debian.  (I think it would be a
bad idea for a downstream to patch such functionality into dpkg, but
there are many bad ideas that should not be forbidden.)

> (Footnote: Sean has referred this under §6.1.3, requesting a decision but 
> since this is overriding a (set of) maintainer(s) that includes those using 
> vendor.series and the dpkg maintainers, I assume §6.1.4 applies.)

I believe his request might also be considered under §6.1.1, since we're
being asked about a policy change.  (After talking to Sean in person, he
said he intended it under §6.1.3, not §6.1.1, though.)

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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