Hi Mike,

On 9/19/18 4:07 PM, Mike Gabriel wrote:

OnĀ  Mi 19 Sep 2018 15:51:34 CEST, Jan Christoph Terasa wrote:

Package: mate-desktop-environment
Version: 1.20.0+5
Severity: important

Dear Maintainer,

I run an updated debian testing/buster system with the odd package from
unstable (e.g. firefox). I use the MATE desktop environment, as well as
systemd as init.

When trying to install sysvinit-core via apt, the suggested solution
will remove mate-desktop-environment and MATE related packages. So apparently
mate-desktop-environment has a dependency on systemd.

I would expect the MATE desktop environment to not depend on a specific init.

kind regards,
Jan Christoph Terasa

It has a dependency on systemd's userspace part, but not on systemd as PID one.

Can you pin down, what package conflict brings APT to suggesting the removal of mate-desktop-environment?
I am no expert on the tools to determine the dependency chains of apt, so I tried to do it manually going through all req. packages:

What I found is this:

mate-desktop-environment -> mate-desktop-environment-core -> dconf-settings-backend -> dconf-service -> default-dbus-session-bus -> dbus-user-session -> systemd


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