Am 12.11.18 um 14:28 schrieb Boyuan Yang:
> Hourly trigger via cron is really not enough since cron job for
> anacron still won't
> run when AC power supply is not present.

Thinking more about this, I'm convinced the best approach is to vastly
simplify the current anacron setup:

I would drop:


For the sysvinit case, I would update
/etc/cron.d/anacron to run anacron hourly and call it directly without
the indirection via the init script.

For systemd, we'd simply keep

This would make anacron's behavious much more consistent (between
sysvinit and systemd), predictable and would be much simpler to grasp.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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