Control: forwarded -1

Hello Bastian,

Am 20.11.18 um 17:44 schrieb Bastian Neuburger:
> Hi,
>> I have however not yet tested what happens if you start thunderbird 
>> aftter the upgrade and close it right away (i.e. not trying to sign 
>> anything but also not entering the master password). I will try to test 
>> this later but now I need a working mail client.
> I also tested this variant now:
> 1. Have berkeley DB based profile that works fine with thunderbird 52 in 
> Jessie
> 2. Upgrade thunderbird
> 3. Start thunderbird
> 4. Close it without doing anything (I am not prompted for the master 
> password)
> 5. Start thunderbird again
> Expected results:
> Either key3.db is still there or I am getting prompted for a master 
> password during step 4.
> Actual results:
> Everything under "Your certificates" and "People" in the Certificate 
> Manager gone, all saved passwords gone.
> So the problem we encountered did not only wipe private keys, but also 
> certificates of other people I already corresponded with AND stored 
> passwords.
> How should reporting with upstream be handled? Should I take care of it 
> myself or would you like to forward it?

I haven't forwarded that all into a new upstream bug report, but I was
able to talk about that issue with upstream.
Initially upstream (in that case the NSS/Firefox team) has decided about
6 years ago to stop using the old database option [1] and use the newer
NSS implementations for storing stuff within a database.

Your are not the only person who is experience such problems. There is
the report 1505038 [2] which is from a user with the same problems. The
issue has some workaround mentioned in comment #25 which should be
"solve" your current problem, could you please test this suggestion?


Carsten Schoenert

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