Hi Herbert,

  many thanks for your advice.

I followed the instructions in uscan - imported the upstream
maintainers public key and then exported the minimal signing key.

I've rebuilt the package, confirmed that uscan downloads with the
minimal signing key and then built on buster.

Running linitian -i -I on the built changes file no longer reports the
wishlist public-upstream-key-not-minimal

On Fri, 7 Dec 2018 at 10:10, foss.freedom <foss.free...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It has been about a month since the initial package was uploaded to
> mentors.  Still hoping for some feedback please.
> Yesterday I've tweaked the package to remove an unnecessary
> build-dependency after discussing with upstream.
> I note one new "Information" lintian issue now occurs since the
> initial upload.  Probably due to a slight tweak to the current debian
> policy?
> public-upstream-key-not-minimal
> upstream/signing-key.asc has 1 extra signature(s) for keyid 92DED901DA15CC0D
> Is this something I can deal with (if so how?) - or should I ask
> upstream to create a signing-key.asc  for me using "gpg --armor
> --export --export-options export-minimal,export-clean keyid"
> thanks in advance
> David

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