
On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 01:38:24PM +0300, Tommi Vainikainen wrote:
> Package: elpa-markdown-mode
> Version: 2.1-1
> Severity: normal
> elpa-markdown-mode should either Depend or Suggest markdown package so
> that markdown-preview function would work correctly. If not Depends,
> then it would be also nice to give nice error message about missing
> command instead of preview page in a browser containing "/bin/bash:
> markdown: command not found".

On #debian-emacs bremner and I briefly discussed this.  As there are
multiple markdown flavours, and multiple markdown-preview generators
and/or conflicting configuration options (David, is this what you
meant?), I'm not sure that #2 from the following is the best way

     Suggests: generator_type1_A | generator_type1_B
             , generator_type2_A | generator_type2_B
             , etc.

[2]: Going with a recommends and an out-of-the box configuration seems
     like it might not be the best option if that requires the
     recommendation and preconfiguration of a particular markdown
     flavour and associated preview generator program...although the
     "sensible defaults, preconfigured to work correctly" argument can
     definitely be made.

[3]: Adding a patch to check for an unset configuration variable
     related to markdown-preview, and then making markdown-preview
     point the browser to either the upstream README or README.Debian,
     where the configuration of markdown-preview and the installation
     of supporting packages would be explained.

Is #1 paired with #3 the ideal resolution to this bug?  It would solve
the error message without the dependency bloat of a bunch of
Recommends.  #2 paired with #3 seems like it could potentially
generate bugs.


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