On Wed, 3 Apr 2019, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:

> Assuming #926316 gets fixed, I think we should focus only on providing a
> usable sysvinit script as required by the policy. Supporting people

I really insist on being able to install tomcat9 without having to
install a whole other init system, even if it is not used.

> Regarding the weight, at this point you've already installed the JRE and
> Tomcat, the few extra MB for systemd are negligible.

It’s also about attack surface, or other tools that assume something
(such as systemd being actually run when installed). I’ve seen that
systemd-sysusers is a service… does that mean the service needs to
run in order for it to be useful? If not now, then perhaps later?

> There is a growing consensus around the idea that imperative maintainer
> scripts are a bad thing and they should be replaced with something
> declarative. systemd-sysusers does exactly that for the user creation,

Not all of them, but I can see this for some cases. On the other hand,
user creation with adduser is *really* light.

If we weren’t this deep into the freeze, I’d offer to write a
systemd-less replacement that parses the same configuration files
and upload it separately. Or maybe, if systemd-sysusers really has
no dependency on anything else except libsystemd0, it could become
split off into another package.

But can we keep things working for buster, please?

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