On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 03:01:05PM -0700, Josh Triplett wrote:
> Vim supports loading "packages", typically installed as
> ~/.vim/pack/$package .  A package consists of files under
> ~/.vim/pack/$package/start/$name/* and optionally
> ~/.vim/pack/$package/opt/$name/* .  The files under those directories
> match the standard runtime directory layout (doc, ftdetect, ftplugin,
> indent, plugin, ...).
> This format has the advantage that the user can add a single directory
> (or symlink) for a package, keeping all that package's files together.
> The symlink doesn't need updating when the set of files in the package
> change (which also makes it simpler and more robust to track in a git
> home directory).  And since the directory contains a single package, it
> can compile and include a tags file with helpztags, rather than having
> vim-addon-manager compile a combined one at user installation time.

I uploaded a new package, dh-vim-addon, which provides support for
managing vim addons by leveraging Vim's "packages".  It's available in
Buster and I'll likely start nudging people to switch to it after Buster
is released.

I've started work on converting vim-scripts to use dh-vim-addon, but I
haven't fully thought through how to manage the migration for users.  At
the worst, it will simply be a NEWS.Debian entry explaining how to
handle it.

The vim addon policy should probably move to dh-vim-addon at some point,
since that seems like a better home than the vim-doc package (especially
as dh-vim-addon supports neovim).

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