On Thu, Apr 11, 2019 at 10:38:18PM -0400, James McCoy wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 03:01:05PM -0700, Josh Triplett wrote:
> > Vim supports loading "packages", typically installed as
> > ~/.vim/pack/$package .  A package consists of files under
> > ~/.vim/pack/$package/start/$name/* and optionally
> > ~/.vim/pack/$package/opt/$name/* .  The files under those directories
> > match the standard runtime directory layout (doc, ftdetect, ftplugin,
> > indent, plugin, ...).
> > 
> > This format has the advantage that the user can add a single directory
> > (or symlink) for a package, keeping all that package's files together.
> > The symlink doesn't need updating when the set of files in the package
> > change (which also makes it simpler and more robust to track in a git
> > home directory).  And since the directory contains a single package, it
> > can compile and include a tags file with helpztags, rather than having
> > vim-addon-manager compile a combined one at user installation time.
> I uploaded a new package, dh-vim-addon, which provides support for
> managing vim addons by leveraging Vim's "packages".  It's available in
> Buster and I'll likely start nudging people to switch to it after Buster
> is released.
> I've started work on converting vim-scripts to use dh-vim-addon, but I
> haven't fully thought through how to manage the migration for users.  At
> the worst, it will simply be a NEWS.Debian entry explaining how to
> handle it.
> The vim addon policy should probably move to dh-vim-addon at some point,
> since that seems like a better home than the vim-doc package (especially
> as dh-vim-addon supports neovim).

Awesome, thank you! I did see dh-vim-addon when it entered the archive,
and it fully addresses this (assuming packages start using it).

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