
Am 15.04.19 um 04:08 schrieb Paul Wise:
> On Sun, 07 Apr 2019 13:46:33 +0200 Markus Koschany wrote:
>> Thoughts?
> There is a better option for this:
> Keep the one package but install a different manifest.json into the
> Firefox and Chrome extension directories. This should work since
> Firefox and Chrome look for their extensions in different directories.
> The only issue with this workaround is that it involves instead of just
> symlinking the directory, symlinking every file except manifest.json.
> The per-browser manifest.json should probably be created at build time.

True, that could work although we had some issues with Firefox, symlinks
and sandboxing in the past. For instance a symlink to font files doesn't
work. The advantage of two separate packages is that I can just use the
provided scripts in tools, tools/make-firefox.sh and
tools/make-chromium.sh to create the package. I presume upstream will
remove tools/make-webext.sh and the platform/webext directory. In
consequence I have to check every time whether there are other
differences between the Firefox or Chromium version of ublock-origin and
probably have to create my own webext.sh script. It's not just about the
manifest file, there is also some javascript code that can be different.

> PS: I think these incompatibilities should be communicated to the
> Chromium and Firefox developers so they can do something about it.

The Firefox developers are aware of the problem.


They simply don't support the complete webextension spec (yet?)



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