Il 30/04/19 07:51, Carsten Schoenert ha scritto:
Control: severity -1 important
Control: usertags -1 tb-apparmor
Control: user

Hello Piviul,

downgrading severity as AppArmor isn't officially supported and
activated for the Thunderbird package.
but I'm not the one that activated apparmor for thunderbird: AFAIK in debian stretch (debian stable) the apparmor profile is enabled by default!

[...] The path to your profile looks unusual. In the past we had other reports
that have show that AA isn't happy if the Thunderbird profile can't be
found in the typical folder.
is unusual for local users but is a standard path for remote users where PCs are joined to a samba domain or where authentication is preformed remotely.;

Maybe you will find similar issues here.

If I disable apparmor for thunderbird (aa-disable
/etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.thunderbird) the problem seems to be solved.

I added Vincas to the recipients who is working in the AppArmor team,
maybe he has some useful ideas to encircle the problem. Seems to be a AA
issue or AA TB profile issue in the end.
Thanks Carsten any way you have find the busillis: local users doesn't have problem using TB even with apparmor profile enabled.

Any way I can't understand why before last updates (that doesn't seems concern apparmor or thunderbird) have stopped working apparmor profile in TB

Thank you very much indeed for the time you spent in making debian better!


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