Dmitry Bogatov wrote:

> I am fine with maintaining custom profile, but it raises question of
> discoveribility: should many different developers maintain separate
> repositories of custom, not universally-accepted checks, we will get
> work duplication and fragmentation.

Whether the tag is exposed or not seems seems like an entirely
different question to having a custom version of Lintian for your
own needs.

I'm not even sure why the issue of forking Lintian was even raised on
this bug and nobody would need convincing that such a thing would be
terrible idea for countless reasons. Please drop this angle, thanks.

The resolution is merely that, at least from my PoV, given that this
would not be enabled by default then it is not a high-priority
wishlist item.


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'` 🍥

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