[2019-06-13 21:29] "Chris Lamb" <la...@debian.org>
> Felix Lechner wrote:
> > For Lintian, however, I would prefer to upload the test packages
> > separately to Debian's regular build infrastructure.
> Hm, I think you are talking at cross-purposes to Dmitry here. Nobody
> was suggesting we upload the test packages to Debian; that would
> surely be impossible.
> Gitlab has a support for saving various parts of a successful build
> for the next one. I believe the idea is that we would build the test
> packages and then push them to this cache re-using them on any subsequent
> test runs. People often use this to cache "pip" Python dependencies
> but I don't see any obvious reason why we can't use it here.

Thank you. That is exactly what I meant.
Note, that I send and fetch email in batch, once in a few days.

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