On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 5:56 PM Jonathan Dowland <j...@debian.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 04:22:30AM +0800, Shengjing Zhu wrote:
> >Control: severity -1 normal
> >
> >On Tue, Jun 11, 2019 at 6:09 PM Shengjing Zhu <z...@debian.org> wrote:
> >> I checked more carefully on https://github.com/moby/moby/pull/28257
> >> and https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/14041
> >> Then I concluded that docker does nothing wrong in this case.
> >>
> >[...]
> >
> >With the reason I explained last week, I would downgrade this issue.
> Sorry for not replying sooner, I had a very busy week.
> Your code review and conclusions from it are reasonable. I read them
> last week (although I did not have time to reply) and my thoughts were:
> is that the code in the current Debian package?

Yes, you can check it here

The code is only called if ip_forward is not enabled.

> I ask because the reason I filed this in the first place is because I
> hit it on my main Debian system. My kvm/libvirt-based VMs lost their
> networking due to docker changing the forward iptables policy. I had
> not manually modified the ip_forward /proc setting, so either
>  1) this was not necessary for libvirt/kvm's networking to function,
>     and so is not a perfect test as to whether changing the forwarding
>     iptables chain will break something
> or
>  2) libvirt/kvm's networking set the ip_forward proc setting it required,
>     and the packaged docker does not correctly check the proc value before
>     making the change, despite the logic in the code linked above (or
>     perhaps that is not the code corresponding to the docker version that
>     is presently packaged)
> (Or I suppose 3), a race is possible between the /proc check and the iptables
> change, but I don't think that's likely what has happened in my case.)
> So IMHO the severity drop is not appropriate because it's predicated on a
> theoretical reasoning of the situation rather than a practical one, i.e., I
> actually hit this on a real machine in real circumstances. But I will attempt
> to reproduce it a second time on my real machine before challenging the
> severity again.

Please do think more about this issue. And understand why docker does
this for the security reason.

> To respond to some of your specific points:
> > So as for your VM scenario, why didn't you set ip_forward manually?
> Because I did not need to. Either it was not necessary for the specific
> networking setup for my libvirt/kvm VMs, or libvirt/kvm set it explicitly
> itself. I do not manually need to tweak stuff in /proc. As part of
> reproducing this I will check the specific network setup that the libvirt
> VMs are using, but it's the package/debian default.

Because libvirt enables ip_forward itself.


And I would argue this is a security issue too, if libvirt enables
ip_forward and does nothing else.

> > How docker know it's not a vulnerability if it didn't set FORWARD
> > chain to DROP when it enables ip_forward.
> They could add a "-j DROP" rule that was scoped specifically to the docker
> subnet, after their other (-j ACCEPT) rules. That's just one way that this
> could be done less disruptively.

No, because they enabled ip_forward setting.

Shengjing Zhu

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