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[2019-11-25 12:06] Jan Braun <>
> Dear Maintainer,
> The /lib/init/init-d-script errorneously returns failure when asked to
> stop a non-running service:
> [...]
> And indeed, one call to start-stop-daemon in /lib/init/init-d-script is
> missing the --oknodo flag. Namely, the first call in the stop action:
> [...]
> Adding --oknodo in line 76 (line 2 in the quote) should fix this bug.

Thank you very much for your detailed analysis. I included --oknodo flag
as you suggested. Unless there is objections in upcoming few days, I
will upload it.

> Additionally, I'd like to point out that the calculation of the return
> code in this function seems fishy to me: it will always be the return
> code of the first s-s-d invocation, unless the second invocation returns
> 2 (which aiui means "a process survived SIGKILL" in this context).
> Wouldn't taking the maximum (or sum) of the two return codes be more
> sensible?

Sum is definitely not apporiate, since there is standard that specifies
meanings of error codes of init.d script[^1]. But you raise valid point,
and it is not clear to me why exit code 2 is handled specially.

Also, returning 2 should mean "invalid or excess argument(s)",
which is not the case.  Should't we return exit code 1 in all cases when
s-s-d fails?

Collegues, opinions? Maybe anybody remember why it was done this way?

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