Package: calibre
Version: 4.6.0+dfsg-1

The current version of calibre has some patches which should probably be

- Fix-Markdown-module-loader.patch

This is simply incorrect. The upstream code this is patching out, works
with the system markdown but ensures that existing code which tries to
import the old "calibre.ebooks.markdown" vendored version, continues to
work by correctly proxying to the system version. This is implemented
via a meta_path hook which intercepts "import XXXX" statements.

Previous versions of calibre in debian incorrectly did a tree-wide sed
to "fix" the vendored version of markdown, but the correct solution is
to simply drop all custom modifications and trust upstream to get it
right -- not add different patches.

(The debian patch will break thirdparty plugins that rely on the stable
calibre.ebooks API having this historic module. And it's harmless to
leave it in.)

- Use-packaged-instead-of-bundled-feedparser-Python-module.patch

Same here, the meta_path hook ensures "from calibre.web.feeds.feedparser
import parse" sees the system version, and I have no idea what the
current version of the patch does at all, anymore... calibre already
randomizes user agents, what is Debian trying to solve here?

- Remove-Qt4-hack.patch/

Why are you doing this? It won't do anything or harm anything, unless
someone has a pre-2.0 plugin installed, and this code is meant to
prevent such plugins from breaking anything.

Sure, it's unlikely such plugins still exist, but... it's not needed in
order to package calibre on Debian, so why patch the code? In order to
make it prettier? Submit upstream patches, in that case, but this is not
Debian's job.

- Don-t-load-external-URLs-for-privacy.patch

The code you are patching is the code used to generate an HTML file
which is uploaded to the upstream author's website, at

It's entirely reasonable for it to therefore use urls pointing at said
website, but, it's not used in the calibre package at all and should
therefore be ignored, rather than distracting efforts by making sure
such a patch still applies.

- Disable-update-check-by-default.patch

While I'm on the topic of Debian-specific patches... this patch seems to
cause calibre to start up with the update checker disabled, but that
will disable both the application version check and the plugins version
check, and I don't believe the latter is appropriate to disable. Please
check if this is overreaching, and find a more targeted patch if so.

Eli Schwartz
Arch Linux Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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