Sean Whitton wrote:
> So what you are suggesting is that git-annex should treat all files
> within dotdirs as if they were themselves dotfiles?

That is what git-annex actually does. Or rather, when asked to add
".$foo", it does not check to see if $foo might look like "dotdir/bar",
it just sees it starts with a dot and so treats it as a dotfile.

(One consequence of which is that if you cd to .dotdir and git annex add
bar, it will not be treated as a dotfile. This could be considered a
bug maybe.)

Anyway, it is possible to configure git-annex to treat non-dotfiles
within dotdirs as large files, while treating dotfiles as non-large:

git config annex.dotfiles true
git config annex.largefiles "(include=.*/* and exclude=.*/.*) or exclude=.*"

(But .foo/.bar/baz will then be treated as a non-large file, it can't
express an arbitrarily deep hierarchy of dotdirs.)

see shy jo

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