Hello Joey.

Thus wrote Joey Hess:
>> t seems cleaner to me to disable the automatic commit-to-other-system
>> machinery and do a manual sweep for sensitive files by hand each time
>> I check in new data.
> git config annex.addsmallfiles false

While I appreciate the effort in suggesting to me a way to deal with my
use case, this doesn't help much in tackling this bug report. Which is
about how git-annex wrongly (or perhaps only unobviously) treats certain
files… namely, files in dotdirs, if given by relative pathname, and even
if they don't themselves begin with a dot.

Thus, my question is if there is anything else you'd like me to add to
the bug report to help clarify the issue, or if you can instead already
give me a (if only provisional) resolution such as "confirmed",
"wontfix", etc. Thanks.


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