
I agree this is probably not a bug but a user support problem.  Let me
add a comment: 

I chose to use $LANG to set the locale since that seems to be the way
default install configures used by Debian system.

Hank, if you are facing this issue on some default install system
without violating my recommendation, let is know your desktop etc. 

Please run the following to check:

$ locale

Report it back to this bug 

Hank, anyway did you read on to the last part of 1.5.2 first:

   See locale(5) and locale(7) for "$LANG" and related environment

   [Note]       Note
   I recommend you to configure the system environment just by the
   "$LANG" variable and to stay away from "$LC_*" variables unless it
   is absolutely needed.

I am pretty sure your system doesn't follow my recommendation.

FYI: locale(7) describes:

1. If  there  is  a  non-null environment variable LC_ALL, the value of
   LC_ALL is used.

2. If an environment variable with the same name as one of the 
   categories above exists and is non-null, its value is used for that

3. If there is a non-null environment variable LANG, the value of  LANG
   is used.

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