Control: unblock -1 by 933750
Control: tags -1 + pending
Control: outlook -1 0

We will ignore the remaining reverse-dependencies. This release will
break those reverse-dependencies, but they have already lost other
Python dependencies which drop Python 2 support.

On 17-Aug-2020, Jann Haber wrote:

> paleomix was removed from testing in May for not supporting Python
> 3. Since then, the following b-ds of paleomix have already been
> dropped: python-nose, python-flexmock, python-pysam and
> python-setproctitle - so it is already impossible to be build from
> source in sid.

That convinces me, then. I will remove that block on this bug report,
and proceed with the Coverage 5.1 packaging.

Thanks for investigating and documenting what you found.

 \       “I bought some batteries, but they weren't included; so I had |
  `\                                to buy them again.” —Steven Wright |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <>

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